We've re-opened our Aquatic facilities, lane swimming will continue to be pre-registered booking and drop-in when space is available. Aquatic fitness classes will have the option to pre-register, book your spot in advance or drop-ins welcome when space available. Recreational swim is now drop-ins welcome. We look forward to seeing you soon! Sauna and hot tub are also open.
Pool loading maximums will be as follows:
• Lane swim – 2 swimmers per lane • Aquatics fitness classes –Hydrofit 14 person max, Gentle Fit 15 person max, Aqua Yoga 4 person max • Recreational swim – 40 person max
To make your pool visit as smooth as possible we recommend the following:
• Pre-register for lane swimming and aquatic classes either online or through the front desk. Masks required in all common areas and proof of vaccination for all individuals 12+ of age required to access Kamloops Y facilities. • Come ready with your swimsuit on and a small bag for your belongings • Bring your own water bottle, goggles, and any other equipment that you may need • Limit locker/change room use where possible. Designated areas will be provided on the pool deck to store items to help reduce the traffic in the change rooms. • Sanitize hands and shower off on the pool deck before entering the pool. • Where possible, wait and shower at home after swimming to reduce traffic within the change rooms. • Follow all staff instructions while visiting the facility and practice physical distancing and enhanced hygiene. • Be kind and courteous of others in and around the pool and in the change rooms, we will have a limited number of users in our change rooms and we ask that you depart as quickly as possible.
If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Aquatics, Carina Wingerak.
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