Looking for child care in Kamloops or outlying areas but don't know where to start? We can help. We've got up-to-date resources, referrals, and information on child care options near you. To get an updated list of child care providers in your area, you can call our office 250-376-4771 or fill in our convenient online request form by clicking below. Child Care Referral Service
CCRR can assist families with the online application process, as well as with photocopying and faxing if applicable. To contact the Affordable Child Care Benefit program directly, please call 1-888-338-6622 or visit the website.
Affordable Child Care Benefit
Childcare BC
Childcare resource & Referral program
childcare operating fund
childcare maintenance fund
Health & Fitness
Kids Programs
Employment Services
Mental Wellness
Child, Youth and Family
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